Philippe Michel

Philippe Michel is part of Maison du Vigneron. The Maison du Vigneron is the the N° 1 Producer of Jura Wines and Crémants, acting as a negociant in what is a very small production and hard to source from region of France, While the winery has no vineyards of its own, it hand-selects the farmers with which it works and supports their viticulture efforts to ensure that the grapes delivered are of the utmost quality. They produce the full stable of wines from the region: white wines and red wines, Vin Jaune and Vin de Paille, Jura Crémants and Macvin liqueurs, all lie maturing under our watchful gaze within barrels in their storerooms.

Since it was first founded, the Maison du Vigneron has cultivated a partnership among 100 different grape-growing vineyards, which work in close collaboration with wine-growing experts following meticulously recorded specifications and checks.

Philippe Michel is devoted solely to the production of Crémant, and Maison du Vignerons excels in terms of traditional method production wines from the region.


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